Online banking case study

Saikat Kumar
6 min readOct 29, 2021


I explored an online web application design that can make users’ lives more facile in the banking area

Beginning of the project

  • In recent times, the world has become proximate to everything. Most of the people in the world use banking accommodations in many ways. As it becomes more sizeably voluminous the accommodation withal becomes very amended and more facile.
  • Every day there are a plethora of transactions in the bank. So, here online banking avails in many ways. It makes life more facile, preserves time, and increases the transaction as well. I explored an online web application design that can make users’ lives more facile in the banking area.
  • I endeavored to maintain a felicitous utiliser experience with the required functionality and minimal utiliser interface. So, the peregrination is auxiliary to the users.

Why I started

I explored some online bank applications. Some are good and some are arduous to deduce. I mentally conceived online banking application is very paramount for the users and if they find something perplexed here they become disinterested. As it is a secure and confidential platform so it would be great if they find a more facile option to have their transaction and they profoundly relish their utilizer interface as well. This was my authentic challenge.

  • To engender facile functionality for users
  • An unsullied and minimalistic user interface
  • A short journey of what the genuine user needs.

How I started

After researching some online bank applications, I accumulated some good features and made them noted. I rearranged the functionalities from most indispensable to marginally less indispensable. After that, I’ve engendered a rough wireframe on paper and cogitated the way I’ll go for the design. Then step by step I started to design. I’ve endeavored to mention all of these things below

Who will be the users?

Here is a paramount thing, when we build any product, first of all, we’ve some questions in our mind. Why I’m building the product and for whom I’m building. When these two questions become pellucid it’d be more facile to work smoothly for the product. So when I’m building the application first of all I fine-tuned the user target at first. Most of the people are directly or indirectly involved in bank management. So I targeted the user who utilizes banks for money transactions. Age should be from 18–70.

First Touchdown

Competitive analysis

Before starting the project I’ve taken expeditious research with the competitor who’s doing great on the earth. After analyzing their major functionalities I endeavored to implement facilely in my product that utilizer might get a better feel while they utilize it. I sorted some serviceable functionalities which can make users’ life more facile when they’ll make the transaction.

Quantitative research

In the research phase, this is a consequential part of building any product for users. So, in this phase, I had to find the average number of people who utilize online banking applications. After getting rough data I got a conception of how consequential the application is for the users. I got the importance of building the product.

Qualitative research

This is one of the most paramount research components. Here I endeavored to ascertain the happy users who are surely blissful to using online banking applications. So, I got some statistics to ascertain the blissful users’ ratio and then decided to utilize this type of functionality to make the user’s needs more facile.

SWOT analysis

It defines finding the vigorous part of the application. This research availed to find the weak part of the online. It additionally showed what is the opportunity to grow with this service in the recent market. At last, I additionally found some threat issues which might be arduous for the application to sustain. But overall, SWOT analysis avails to find the four sides of the services.

Value proposition

It is additionally credence from the customer about how value will be distributed, experienced, and acquired. A value proposition can apply to an entire organization, or customer accounts, or products or services. One of the valuable components of building any product.

Exploring phase

I was using a web application and facing an abundance of difficulties to facilely interact with what I optate. I cerebrated suddenly, I could’ve made something great which can avail people to have their online transaction facilely.

Creating ideas

Next, I made an expeditious adumbration of the functionalities of the web application and brought up something more facile way to ameliorate the usability.

User research

The most paramount thing I celebrate. I took some information from the desultory users, accumulated their celebration, endeavored to understand their desiderata. I got a rough conception about the targeted users who requires authentically a utilizable and facile functionality to have their transaction which can keep a great impact in their quotidian life.

User Persona

After having some research and analysis I made an imaginary profile to keep my project going on. I culled the age 35 years, a male person and a mid-level income holder who can have transactions 3 days a week and wants to keep his transaction history predicated on what he spends and get money from the online bank.


The most consequential issue is to cull good typography for a project according to empathy. I endeavored to cull a font that can engender a good feel for the banking application. I researched some of the banking applications, analyzed their font, and come up with a result to utilize the font.


Another consequential factor is the color cull for a project. Some colors make a good sign in the human encephalon to recollect anything. This is a psychological factor. According to research on some of the projects, I decided to go with the following color palette.

The fascinating thing to me

I’ve kept an option for switching accounts. It signifies if you have multiple accounts you can switch your account from here. It should take less time to choose another account. You can buy your quotidian necessaries things like groceries, house rent, furniture, etc by transaction from an online account. It can make little more facile the people’s daily life. There will be shown a graph of the spending curve according to month. So all over, there will be a good way to track the transaction.

Landing page

I’ve explored two landing pages here. One is simple and earnest to look and another is comical, interactive, and trendy.

I believe no one is impeccable in the world. Every good thing has come into this world by massive exploring, researching, and practicing. I’ve endeavored to explore something to bring a good thing. There might be a plethora of mistakes in here. I hope you will keep your considerable ocular perceivers. Appreciate me if you like my effort.

Thank You !!!



Saikat Kumar
Saikat Kumar

Written by Saikat Kumar

A passionate UI/UX, Product Designer and Illustrator. I’ve an extensive knowledge about website, mobile apps , web application design and illustrations. .

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